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Say NO to Home Wax

Why you shouldn't home wax

We know that home waxing was very tempting whilst Strip was closed. And now that we’re back open, we want to remind you of the main reasons you should NEVER do your own wax.

  • It will be painful! At Strip we have a very particular way of waxing (which all our therapist are trained to do) which ensures the most pain-free experience possible. If you’re not a trained therapist, then you will not be able to do the wax correctly which will lead to more OUCH moments.


  • You won’t get the correct shape. Bush or mush? Your special area may look a bit disheveled after you attack it. Best to leave it to the professionals!


  • You could injure yourself. Yes, seriously! You could burn or bruise yourself if done incorrectly. And with all that working from home, sat in a chair all day, you really don’t want that area to be sensitive!


  • You’ll get inconsistent results. With no professional help to wax your chosen area properly, you could accidentally leave hairs in place, break the hairs and disrupt your hair cycle, which means a more challenging wax when you do come back in to see us.


  • You will get more ingrown hairs. If you are not pulling the hairs our correctly you will get more ingrown hairs appearing, which we all know are uncomfortable and an absolute pain to get rid of.


Need an alternative option for your bush or underarm in the mean time?

Terri recommends purchasing a bikini trimmer so you can keep your special area nice and neat during these winter months (until we can see you again of course!)

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